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Jeff and Abby S.

Tennessee, married 7 years

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Davis and Christina

North Dakota, married 7 years

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What if my husband (or wife) doesn't want to participate?

What if we are engaged?

What if I get behind?

Can I give Abundant as a gift?

How long will I have access to the course?

How can I contact you?

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We created a new and effective way to help you find peace and connection in your marriage. Here’s how we are different from marriage counseling and intensive in-person retreats:

  • Abundant is faithfully Catholic. 

  • We give you the best relationship research available.

  • We want you to experience breakthroughs in your marriage QUICKLY.

  • Abundant is designed around your busy life.

Hi! We are Nathan and Sarah Bartel

Nice to meet you! We've been happily married for 20+ years. We're best friends, lovers, adventurers, and homeschooling parents of five on a mission to spread joy in marriage.

We didn't always feel peace, joy and connection in our marriage. We've dealt with unemployment, post-partum depression and anxiety, burnout, frustration, and emotional roller coasters. 


But we learned simple, practical ways to live out the beautiful teachings of our Catholic faith in every day life. 


Now we can honestly say that we loved each other madly when we first got married, but we love each other so much more now! 

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